Message from Founder & Chief Executive

Uttara Development Program Society (UDPS) is on a long journey of more than three decades to make its laudable marks as one of the oldest organization in the country. UDPS, as one of the leading foremost NGOs has been implementing socio-economic development projects andmicro-credit program across the country through its 108 Branch offices, 21 Area offices and 6 zone offices covering 4,955 villages/wards, 898 unions/municipality, 106 Upazila of 22 Districts under 5 Divisions.

The lifestyle of the members of the working area has been changed at significant level and raised their employment and income generation opportunities.

During the long 36 yearsuphill journey, I would like to thank with deep gratitude and appreciation to all donors, MRA, PKSF, Banks, INGOs, partner NGOs, local leaders, social elites, community people of the working areas, well-wishers and all staff members of UDPS for their enormous support for achieving its present progress. I would also thank all distinguished members of General Body and Executive Committee of UDPS for their kind cooperation and spontaneous participation to meetings contributing immensely in policy making and guidelines for good governance and management. I pray to Allah for the salvation of the members, development leaders and relatives of staff who left us due to corona pandemic to lead their eternal life.

In conclusion, I would like to give thanks to my colleagues for their sincere contribution and support in composing and publishing the UDPS Annual Report 2022-2023. I pray to Allah for peace and happiness for all of us in the future.


AFM Akhter Uddin
Founder and Chief Executive
Uttara Development Program Society (UDPS)

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