Major Focus & Core Values

UDPS Major focus and ideals:

  • The objectives of the institution is to emancipate the groups or community people from exploitation through raising their self-respect and self-confidence. To make self-reliant of the poor and destitute people especially the lagging behind women children, adolescent’s aborigine people and tribal society through socio-economic development.
  • Motivating the rural and urban people strengthen their socio-economic status forming groups, inspire regular savings, attend regular weekly meeting and provide credit for undertaking economic activities with a view to make them self-reliant.
  • To provide support services and cooperation to people, make them aware and conscious relating to program activities, education, health, nutrition, family planning, child care, agricultural works and women development of the society.
  • To extend cooperation and work with Government, donors, INGOs, and other organizations on various socio-economic development works, natural/social disasters, rescue operation, relief and rehabilitation activities, welfare of disabled, crippled handicapped.
  • Inspiring the women and men to bring gender equity in the society through providing training and implementing educational programs and organizing meeting and seminars. Creating mass awareness to combat against the women and child repression and trafficking.
  • Providing training to men and women to raising their capacity and skills to enhance their income, extend cooperation to their income generating activities, management of program, keeping accounting as well as to help them for self-reliant.
  •  To provide health care services to community people through training, awareness building and implementation of different projects in collaboration with Government and other organizations.

Uttara Development Program Society (UDPS) core values

  • Commitment
  • Responsibility
  • Equality
  • Democratic Participation
  • Transparency
  • Respect
  • Dignity
  • Honesty
  • Discipline
  • Integrity
  • Teamwork
  • Planning and good governance of UDPS:

    To ensure sustainable development and good governance of the organization, UDPS has 2 Committees- (a) General Committee (GC) and (b) Executive committee (EC). The General committee consists of 15 members while the Executive committee consists of 7 members. The duration of their membership is for three years and after expiry new members are inducted and nominated to replace them. The duration of the Executive committee is for three years and required to renew from the Joint Stock companies and Firms in every three years interval. The General committee meeting is usually held once in a year while the Executive Committee meeting is held at least four times in a year for smooth management of the program activities.

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